Location: China

13 October, 2006


The following joke among friends in China is popular.


After a long distance hike in the forest, the hiker was hungry and thirsty. He was eager to sit at a table. And just at that time he spotted an inn. Energy and strength came to his legs and he got to the inn.

Hiker: Hello, is anybody in?
Boss: What are you going to do?
Hiker: I'd like to have something to eat, please.
Boss: Tell me what you want.
Hiker: Well, I'd like a bowl of meat and of course a bowl of rice.
Boss: Is that all?
Hiker: Um, I'm afraid I'd like a bowl of alcohol if you have.
Boss: Wait here.

After some time the boss came back with the meat and the rice.

Boss: Here you are.
Hiker: But could I ask where my alcohol goes?
Boss: Ah, I forgot.

The boss went away and came back in no time.

Boss: Here is the alcohol.

The hiker slowly sipped at the alcohol and then,

Hiker: I'm very sorry to tell you that I felt something wrong with it.
Boss: Really, let me have a try... Is there anything wrong?
Hiker: Frankly speaking, there is water in it.
Boss: Well, if you insist, I'll bring you another bowl. Anyway, you'll have to pay for the both bowls.
Hiker: Yes, I promise I will.

The boss came back with another bowl of alcohol.

Hiker: I claim that this is not alcohol.
Boss: Impossible, definitely it is.
Hiker: What about having a try yourself?
Boss: Oh, I forgot pouring alcohol in the water this time!


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